
A Major Moment - Markets Just Lost Credibility

Forget BLS Labor Data revisions - there is something FAR more significant and troubling that the delayed BLS data report just revealed.

This is seriously concerning - which is why I am rushing out this unpolished, very raw video of my live market reaction to the BLS labor data revisions “release” for subscribers.

Anyone who is discussing the BLS labor data revision itself (which is everyone) is absolutely missing the far more important and significant takeaway that was just accidentally revealed about market behavior and systematic flow programming - markets will move on absolutely anything, or NOTHING, in any direction. And yet, we put our faith in markets as “reading the collective sentiment and knowledge.”

I may put together another version of this, but for now - you need to be aware of what the dynamics of market behavior currently are, AND, that nobody seems to even realize what just happened in front of our eyes.

I also discuss this concept in the previous video to

question (below).

More to think about, and far more to come. Game changer.

